Tuhkrukutsikad kasvavad, vanust juba 22 päeva – Little Jewels are 22 days old
|Tuhkrukutsikad kasvavad
Tuhkrukutsikad kasvavad iga päevaga ja arenevad meeletu kiirusega. Näiteks täna otsustas üks pisikestest ise kasutada WC nurka, kuigi me pole seda neile veel pannud. Kuigi siiani puhastab tittedel ikka veel emme hoolsalt sabaaluseid, siis täna nägin oma silmaga, kuidas Peridoot võttis kätte ja roomas fliisi pealt kasti nurka ning sättis oma tagumiku kenasti nurka, tõstis saba üles ja tegi sinna oma häda…. Hmm, tundub, et meil on seekord geeniused ja äkki läheb ka potitreening lihtsamalt. Meenutan siin muigega eelmise aasta möllamist mitu korda päevas selles essumeres, mida need 12 kutsikat korraldada suutsid. 😀 Nägin sama asja veel õhtulgi, aga teiste tuhkrukutsikate poolt, seega see pesa teab juba ise, mida ja kuhu teha.

Ferret cubs are growing so fast. For example today morning surprised me Peridot with that, that he went to poop in corner…. And he is only 22 days old and we have not started the litter training yet. I know and see that Smuks still clean their behinds all the time, but somehow they have their natural ability to go somewhere else, not in nest for pooping. That is really nice thou. So it seems we have geniuses this year. When I think back to last year, then I remember that I had to teach them to use the corners. But this litter knows itself what to do 😀 And it is not only Peridot who does that, in evening I saw several others to do same thing. I like it. I hope that this year we will have that litter training easier than last year. When I think back I start to smile as there was so much poop everywhere. Those 12 little angels pooped a lot. 😀
Kõik koos / All together

Emased / Jills

Diamond – ootel / on hold
Saphire aka Safiir – ootel / on hold

Topaas – broneeritud / booked
Emerald aka Smaragd – ootel / on hold

Isased / Hobs

Garnet aka Granaat – ootel / on hold
Zircon aka Tsirkoon – ootel / on hold

Peridot – broneeritud / booked
Alexandrite – broneeritud / booked

Aquamarine aka Akvamariin – vaba / available

Moonstone aka Kuukivi – vaba / available
Morganite aka Morganiit – ootel / on hold