HINGEPEEGELÄra pelga! Vaata, siin on palju huvitavat.

Käpik pärast pesakonna kaotust – Käpik after her tragedy

Käpik kohaneb

Eile oli Käpik veel pikalt uimane ega saanud aru, mis toimub. Küll ta püüdis läbi narkoosiudu oma kutsika eest kõigest hingest hoolt kanda. Peitis teda minu süles olevasse pessa, lakkus, tõstis, aga ta polnud lihtsalt võimeline tema eest hoolitsema ja ka pisike ise oli juba tunde tagasi alla andud, vaatamata meie kõigi pingutustele teda elus hoida. Lõpuks kustus ta Käpiku kaisus ja peale pisikese surmagi püüdis Käpik tema eest igati hoolt kanda ega tahtnud temast kuidagi loobuda. Nii kurb oli seda kõike pealt vaadata. Endiselt on näha Käpiku silmis kurbust, aga loodan, et mõne päeva möödumisega see kurbus kaob ning minu pisikene rõõmupall tuleb tagasi.

Ma ei kujuta ette, millises seisus ma hetkel oleksin, kui poleks Smuksi Juveelipesa kutsikaid. Nemad on hetkel see valguskiir, kes hoiavad ming mõistuse juures. Käpik jõi eile hästi palju, aga kuna oli veel narkoosisegane, siis joomise käigus unustas tithilugu keele suhu tagasi pista…, mis omakorda oli väga armas vaatepilt.

Eilne öö möödus meil vaikselt, Käpik taastus narkoosist ning kui ta mul sülest lõpuks maha läks, et jalgu sirutada, otsis ta koheselt üles Gaia ja Artemise. Nii kurb oli vaadata, kui Käpik enne mööda tuba ringi jooksis ja Smuksi pesa juurde seisma ning kuulatama jäi, kuidas Smuksi tited häälitsevad. Ohkas ja tuli sealt ära, ei jäänud sinna pikalt pidama. Ma ei tea, kas ta teadvustas endale, et need ei ole tema kutsikad või sai aru, et ta ei ole hetkel võimeline nende eest nagunii hoolt kandma. Kui ta sülle võtsin, et ta siis Gaia ja Artemise juurde tõsta, nägin kuidas tal pisarad silmist jooksid. See lihtsalt murdis mu südame. Kui ma Käpiku Artemise ja Gaia juurde panin, hakkasid nad kohe Käpikut lohutama. Ütle veel, et loomad ei saa aru, kui teisel on süda murdunud. Nad oskavad väga hästi lohutada. Käpik keeras end nende vahele kerra ning Gaia ja Artemis võtsid pärast pikka Käpiku pesemist, massaaži ning kõrvade näkitsemist ta sõna otseses mõttes endale kaissu. Öö möödus meil rahulikult, aga magasin täna koos tuhkrutega, et selles ka ise veenduda.

Käpik is settling down

Yesterday was Käpik a bit confused and still dizzy for a long time. In my lap she was trying so hard to take care of her cub but she herself was so confused and she just did not have power to do that. She was cleaning her and she was replacing her to safe place all the time and finally the little girl just past away in Käpik´s arms while Käpik was cuddling her. My heart just broke when she tried to take care of her dead cub and she just did not let me to take her away from her. She drank lot of water yesterday and sometimes she just forgot to take her tounge back in as she was so dizzy. It was cute sithe thou. You can still see the sadness in her eyes on the first photo but I hope that soon she will be herself again and I will get my little joyful sweetheart back as in following photo.

I do not know what state I would be right now if Smuks would not have her Jewels litter. These little meepers are keeping me sane. When Käpik finally left my lap to run around a bit she went directly to Aremis and Gaia. Then for a while she was running more and stoped once in front of Smuks´s cage to hear the little ones cry there. But I am not sure if she knew that this is not her own litter or just realized that this point she could not take care of them anyway. She just stood there for the while, sighed and went away. When I took her into my arms again I saw that she had tears in her eyes and that just broke my heart. I put her with Gaia and Artemis as she wanted to go there. When I put Käpik in, it was like the other knew that she needed comforting and started to clean, nibble and massage her. She just lied there and when Artemis and Gaia was done they took her into their arms to cuddle and they were just sleeping there holding eachother. So you can not tell that animals do not understand anything, they do and even very much so. Last night I slept there with my ferrets to be sure that Käpik is OK.

Hommik oli segasem

Hommikuks oli Käpik juba narkoosist täielikult toibunud ja ilmselt ka pilt selgem. Jooksis mööda elamist ringi ja otsis taga oma kutsikaid. Gaiat peab ta endiselt enda omaks, seevastu Artemisest hoiab ta eemale ja kui Temsu talle väga ligi läheb, siis läheb madinaks. Ühel momendil avastasin Käpiku Smuksi aediku ees hüppamas, kus ta püüdis kõigest hingest kutsikate juurde pääseda. Oh, kuidas ma tahaks, et need kaks mammat üksteisega hetkel kenasti läbi saaksid. Nii saaksid nad koos Smuksi pesakonda kasvatada ja mõlemal mammal oleks oluliselt kergem. Paraku on aga nii, et kutsikate ajal nad lihtsalt ei talu teineteist. 🙁

Kuna Käpik otsib meeletult oma tittesid taga ja Smuksil on neid pesas kõvasti rohkem kui tisse, sai tehtud otsus ja proovida nii, kus tõstsin 3 Smuksi visuaalselt veidi väiksemat kutsikat Käpiku juurde. Käpik võttis nad kohe omaks, hakkas nende eest hoolt kandma. Vaatame, mis saab, kas Käpik hakkab kenasti ka piima tootma. Hetkel tited lutsutasid Käpikul midagi, aga kas nad ka piima said, ei oska veel öelda. Eile kui pisikesele Käpiku piigale piima üritasin pigistada, siis midagi Käpiku tissist ikka tuli. Lootust vähemalt on. Kutsikad on Käpiku juures vaiksed ja see on hea märk. Kui oleksid näljased, siis oleks ka kisa taevani. Seega loodame praegu parimat ning et kõik laabub mõlema mamma jaoks. Smuks saab väiksema koormuse oma tittede kasvatamisel ning Käpik saab oma südamevalu unustada ning samuti kutsikate eest hoolt kanda. Käpik käitub palju rahulikumalt kui eelmise aasta kutsikate ajal, mil ta hoidis minu adrenaliini stabiilselt laes. See aga on väga hea märk. Alloleval fotol seisab Käpik kolme pisikese kohal kaitsepositsioonil. Loodan väga, et paari päeva pärast on tema silmist kadunud see kurbus ning ta tunneb end juba palju paremini ning saan teha foto sellest, kuidas ta rahulikult kutsikaid imetab.

Morning confusion

On the photo Käpik is standing over her 3 foster cubs and she is ready to protect them by any cause. Just hope that within few days she will lose sadness in her eyes and I can take new photo when she is relaxingly feeding her cubs.

In the morning the anesthesia have worn off and Käpik was more herself. First she was just running around in house and doing her business and I thought that it is good she is doing so well but suddenly she lost it. She just got pissed at Artemis and I had to take her away and then Käpik went and stood in front of Smuks´s cage and listened the cubs. Then it hit to her, I think as she started to jump like mad and tried so hard to get in there with the cubs. So I made a decision that I will take few smallest Smuks´s cubs and give them to Käpik that she could calm down. It is so pitty that these 2 girls won´t get along during cubs time. If they only could get along it would be much more easier to both of them.

So I took 3 visually slightly smaller cubs from Smuks and gave them to Käpik that they can catch up with the rest of the cubs. And it is easier for Smuks to handle 8 cubs instead of 11 and Käpik is more calm as well as she have her “own cubs” to take care of. When I gave cubs to Käpik, she just took them under her care and calmed down. She started to lick them and threw herself there to offer her milk rack to them. Will see what will happen, but so far something is happening. Cubs are sucking something and it is quiet there. And that is a good sign as if they were hungry there would be lots of noise and crying. Hope that she will start producing milk as yesterday when I was trying to feed that little girl of hers something definitely came out from Käpiks tits. So there is a hope. So lets hope that everything will turn out just well for both of the moms. Käpik is more calm and relaxed now and she is acting much differently when her last year litter when she kept my adrenalin up. And that is very good sign.

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