Seitsme nädalased tuhkrukutsikad – cubs are 43 days old
|Seitsme nädalased tuhkrukutsikad
Seitsme nädalased tuhkrukutsikad on juba mõnusalt iseseisvad. Ehk siis, tänasest hakkas kutsikatel jooksma seitsmes nädal. Mamma on järjest enam ja enam kutsikatest eemal. Veedab omaette kvaliteetaega ja kutsikad mängivad isekeskis. Kui emme aedikusse tagasi tuleb ning kudistab, siis on tittedel koheselt emme häda käes ning kisa lahti. Mamma jookseb põhimõtteliselt üle kõikide laste ja laseb kiiresti uuesti jalga, kui kõik on üle loetud ning lakutud…
Seekord jälle tütre tehtud pildid, paraku ei tahtnud kutsikad täna üldse, et neid pildistataks ning seega on igast kutsikast ainult üksikud pildid. Need, kellest sai veidi rohkem pilte, nendele lisan ka galerii, teistele mitte.
Seventh week
Today started seventh week and cubs are more independent. Mom is out more often and just keep checking her cubs once in a while. When she comes into play pen then the cubs starts to yell at her, so they are so happy to see her. They do spend nights together, only day time they are separated for a while. Mom just checks her cubs, licks them and then off again.
Today again photos out of my daughter´s view. Today cubs wasn´t so cooperative and that´s why we will have only several photos to show. Whom we got more photos I will add a gallery others do not get it.
Kõik koos / All together
Emased / Jills
Emerald aka Smaragd – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Diamond – broneeritud / booked
Saphire aka Safiir – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Topaz aka Topaas – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Isased / Hobs
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Garnet aka Granaat – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Morganite aka Morganiit – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Zircon aka Tsirkoon – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Moonstone aka Kuukivi – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Peridot aka Peridoot – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Alexandrite aka Aleksandriit – broneeritud / booked
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ning seejärel avanevad suuremad pildid.
To view the gallery you need to click on the first photo and after that the larger images will show up.
Aquamarine aka Akvamariin – broneeritud / booked