Tuhkru pojad piiluvad – Peepers at 30 days
Tuhkru pojad piiluvad
Tuhkru pojad, pooled neist, piiluvad ning üks on juba pooleldi nägija. Usud või mitte, aga vanust on neil ainult 30 päeva, seega on loota, et pisikesed hakkavad üsna pea ka nägema. Vähemalt ma loodan seda. Nii vahva on juba meie esimesele pooleldi nägijale otsa vaadata ja tema imelist rosinasilma uppuda.
Väikesed tuhkru pojad kaaluvad täna kokku juba 1496 grammi ja see teeb keskmiseks kutsika kaaluks ca´ 249,33 grammi. Eelmisest kaalumisest on pesakond juurde võtnud tervelt kenakese 100 grammi.

Little hybrids are peeping
Some of our sweet hybrid cubs are peeping now and one is partly seer as well. Do you believe it or not, but they are just 30 days old, not even one month. They will be month old by tomorrow. I really do hope that they will be opening very soon their amazing eyes. Today I could totally drown into that single opened black eye…
These little sweethearts are weighing today 1496 grams and that makes average kit weight ca´ 249,33 grams. Since yesterday the litter have gained 100 grams.
Kõik koos / All together
Emased / Jills
Emased tuhkru pojad kaalusid täna kokku juba 412 g. Seega eelmise kaalumisega võrreldes, on emaste kogukaal tõusnud veel 29 grammi võrra. Ja meie plikad ületasid samuti 200 grammi piiri. Ei läinudki väga pikalt, et poistele sellega järgi jõuda, ainult 5 päeva. Paraku lähevad poisid ilmselt homme-ülehomme eest juba 300 grammi piiriga. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
Jills weighed today 412 grams total and that makes 29 grams weight gain since their last weighing. And our girls reached the 200 grams as well. Did not take that long to get that, only 5 days, not bad at all. But I think that by tomorrow or day after that the boys will reach the 300 grams point… To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Tia Dalma
Ka Tia Dalma on meil tänaseks kenasti mõlemast silmast piiluma hakanud. See piilumine on nii vahva. Nad üritavad kõigest hingest sellest imepisikesest valgusallikast midagi näha ja ajavad oma kaelad pidevalt õieli. Kui ma Tia Dalmale nime andsin, siis teadsin, et meil on temaga veel üllatusi tulemas ja nii ongi. Nimelt on talle ka kuklale juurde tekkinud suur valge laik, mida enne üldse näha polnud ega aimata. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 205 g
Also Tia Dalma is peeping and now both our girls are peepers. It is so cute. They try to see from that tiny hole and get their necks up really high. I just love that time. When I named Tia Dalma I told that she will have more surprises for us. And yes, she does. She have managed to get large white patch on back of her neck. And that patch was never there before and I had no clue that this could get there… She is full of surprises. To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Angelica – broneeritud
Angelical on eilsega võrreldes üks silm juba kenasti lahti läinud ja juba teinegi piilub. Ja see üks, mis lahti, on nii ilus must rosinasilm, millesse totaalselt armuda ja uppuda. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 207 g
Since yesterday Angelica´s eye has opened more and another one is peeping as well. The one what is 75% open is so sweet beautiful and black. I am totally drowned in them and in love. To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Isased / Hobs
Isased tuhkru pojad kaalusid täna kokku 1084 grammi ja see teeb võrreldes eelmise kaalumisega, isaste kaalutõusuks 71 grammi. Ka isaste juures on meil juba esimesed kaks piilujat olemas. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
Hobs weighed today 1084 grams and that makes total weight gained since last weighing 71 grams. Also first 2 boys are peeping already. To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Barbossa
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 247 g
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Davy Jones – ootel
Davy Jones on meil poistest esimene, kes piiluma on hakanud, aga ta pole ainus. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 273 g
Davy Jones is the first one of boys who is peeping, but he is not the only one. To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Bootstrap Bill – ootel
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 285 g
Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.
Soul Mirror´s Captain Jack Sparrow – broneeritud
Captain Jack Sparrow on meil teine isane, kes piiluma on hakanud. Galerii vaatamiseks kliki esimesele fotole ja sulle avaneb suurem pilt.
- Tänane kaal / today´s weight – 279 g
Captain Jack Sparrow is the second boy who is peeping now. To open the gallery just click on the first photo and you will get larger image.